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3658In stock
  • Description
  • Specification
The Aspire 5 is a compact laptop in a thin case with a metal cover, a high-quality Full HD IPS display and a rich set of interfaces. Thanks to its powerful components, the laptop can handle resource-intensive tasks perfectly and is also suitable for most games.

Key features

  1. slim body with metal cover
  2. latest Intel Core i5-1135G7 processor (4 cores / 8 threads)
  3. 8GB DDR4 RAM and fast 512GB PCIe SSD
  4. NVIDIA GeForce MX350 2GB GDDR5 graphics card
  5. backlit keyboard, touchpad with gesture support
ModelPavilionMagnetic closureSingle CameraMatte black
BodyMetal frameChain strapNo thumbprintRoyal blue
Gen9th Generation2 compartmentsThick BazelMetalic silver
GPUNVIDIA GraphicZip pocketNo thunderboltGrey

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